Senior Citizen
Senior Citizen
Congratulations! It is never too late to pursue higher education. As a student over 55 who has been a Guam resident for the last 5 years, Guam Law provides you an opportunity to take certain classes and get certain fees at GCC waived. Students who are 55 and over and have been Guam residents for at least 5 years can take our regular 16-week courses and summer courses and have the applicable tuition and fees waived. Please be advised that 8-week courses and Special Project courses offered during the regular Fall and Spring semesters are not covered by the waiver.
Individuals are responsible for paying for the tuition and lab fees incurred for courses registered outside the regular term. If you have any questions regarding which of our courses are covered by the waiver, please see one of the GCC Counselors or Admissions & Registration. The waiver goes into effect the semester after the age of 55 is reached. Please bring in a valid ID to prove age and tax returns to prove residency.
Here's what you need to know to apply.
Steps to Apply
Call: (671)735-5531