Development & Alumni Relations
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Main Page for Development & Alumni Relations
Contact Us
(671)735‐5516 Ext. 5515 / 5637
Administration Building Rooms 2214 / 2216
(Campus Map)
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Welcome to the GCC Alumni Community
The Development & Alumni Relations Office welcomes your continued engagement with the college. As an alumnus of GCC, you have many opportunities available to help current and future students. Please take some time to learn about what is going on at GCC and all we have to offer you. The Office of Development & Alumni Relations works closely with GCC's Foundation Board of Governors in strengthening our relationship and ties with our alumni, we hope to inspire and generate donations, advocacy, and the creation of new campus traditions.
We work with alumni, employees, and friends of the college to present programs and encourage your financial support. Our office is located in the Student Services and Administration Building, Rooms 2214, and 2216 to meet with interested alumni and donors. Please feel free to call us at (671) 735-5554/5516 or send us an email message at or join us on Facebook.
Stay connected, participate in, or volunteer to organize alumni or retiree groups to help you network with others in your field of study and to continue your education.
Get Involved
Stay involved with GCC!
Invest In GCC
What does your money do for GCC?
DAR Events
Learn about upcoming events for GCC alumni and supporters of the College.
GCC Foundation Scholarship
Invitation to Apply
Application Form
Applying For Grants
(For GCC Faculty)