Assessment, Institutional Effectiveness & Research (AIER)
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TRANSFER INFOAssessment, Institutional Effectiveness & Research (AIER)
Welcome to Assessment at GCC! We are the “movers and shakers” of the college’s Office of Assessment, Institutional Effectiveness and Research.
As a team, we work collectively with all sectors of the college community as they carry out the implementation of the comprehensive GCC Institutional Assessment Plan campus-wide. In addition, the staff works collaboratively with the Committee on College Assessment to ensure the comprehensive assessment process demonstrates accountability and promotes internal improvements.
A policy document passed by the Board of Trustees (Policy 306, Comprehensive Assessment of Instructional Programs, Student Services, Administrative Units and the Board of Trustees) is the institutional mandate that drives all campus-wide assessment activities.
The AIER Team
- Catherine M. Solidum, Assistant Director
- Mark Joseph A. Burgos, Institutional Researcher
- Ana Mari C. Atoigue, Program Coordinator II
- Atsue H. Crane, Administrative Aide