Planning & Development
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In support of GCC's mission of "providing the highest quality education and job training in Micronesia", the mission of the Planning & Development Department (P&D) is to facilitate the deliberate use of federal and non-federal funds to support educational programs (i.e. adult education and family literacy (AEFLA), and high school equivalency); to manage and maintain building facilities and capital improvement projects; to provide selected institutional data and research; and to diversify financial resources.
As Guam Community College is Guam's State Agency career and technical and adult education, P&D is the designated State Agency Office to manage the implementation of goals and objectives outlined in state and local plans (i.e. CTE and AEFLA). P&D also oversees facility projects identified in the Guam Community College 2020-2030 Physical Master Plan and maintains facilities so as to provide a conducive learning and working environment for all. The entire Physical Master Plan may be viewed under the Facility & Maintenance link (below).
Click the links below to obtain additional information on the various areas P&D oversees.
- WIOA, Title II, Adult Education & Family Literacy