Office of the President
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Office of the President
The President's Office helps the College's Board of Trustees carry out the institution's mission to advance career and technical education, not only for residents of Guam but for individuals from the entire Asia Pacific region. Over the past 40 years, people have turned to Guam Community College to earn an associate degree, certificate, industry certification, Adult High School Diploma, high school equivalency, or to prepare to transfer to a four-year institution to earn a bachelor's degree, gain a new skill, or simply enrich their lives. The College engages with the community in order to be able to provide programs and services that can best meet the needs of the community and the workforce now and in the future, especially with the onset military buildup. The President's Office is committed to working with faculty, staff and administrators to ensure that GCC is responsive to the needs of our students and the community.

The Office of the President upholds the College's mission statement through its comprehensive and meaningful oversight of the institution's academic, financial, infrastructure and accreditation requirements.
Divisions of the President's Office:
Communications & Promotions
The Office of Communications & Promotions at Guam Community College is responsible for the promotion of all GCC programs, events, highlights, and successes.
The Office of Communications & Promotions at Guam Community College is responsible for the promotion of all GCC programs, events, highlights, and successes.
Development & Alumni Relations
The Office of Development and Alumni Relations (DAR) is responsible to further the development of GCC by actively generating donations and coordinating the fundraising activities for the College. DAR is also responsible for dealing with all alumni activities and contact, and the development of the alumni relations program.
Planning & Development
The Planning and Development Office (P&D) is also the State Agency for Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education and the Adult Education and Family Literacy grants and in so doing promotes and fosters the realization of GCC’s mission by efficiently managing federal grants, seeking opportunities to diversify financial resources, providing accurate and complete data and research to individuals and business industries, managing Guam’s official GED® testing site, and maintaining the College’s building facilities.