Management Information Systems (MIS)
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Main Page for Management Information Systems (MIS)
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(671)735-5511 Ext. 5510 / 5513 / 3001 / 3002 / 3003 / 3004 / 5619
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TRANSFER INFOManagement Information Systems (MIS)
Program Description
Whether personal or organizational, every mission is first envisioned, and every vision needs goals to be accomplished. In order for goals to be fulfilled, the individual or the organization must know the objectives behind each one of them and take whatever necessary action to start getting the desired results. To shine a light on the topic and to further understand the reason for the existence of MIS, it might first help to know its mission statement. For clarity's sake, we’ve developed two versions of the mission statement, -- a short one, and an expanded version.
"To assist GCC-GUAM COMMUNITY COLLEGE in accomplishing its mission by supporting overall goals and objectives through automation and technology". And for the expanded version: " To maintain, support, and keep up-to-date GCC-GUAM COMMUNITY COLLEGE's information infrastructure needs through a
1.) effective management of computer technology and related resources;
2.) acquisition, integration and deployment of hardware and software; and
3.) hiring, training and retaining managerial, technical, and operational personnel.”
So to accomplish the mission of MIS, goals and objectives were established as provided below:
Goal 1:
Standardize up-to-date hardware and software systems, as well as technical training.
To effectively and efficiently plan for system upgrades and/or system growth;
To cut cost of repairs and/or technical services;
To increase user and technical personnel productivity;
To easily integrate fully compatible systems;
To guard against and/or minimize system obsolescence;
To improve troubleshooting efforts.
Goal 2:
Maximize speed, availability, and reliability of internal and external network connections.
To attain a stable and secure LAN-Local Area Network and Internet access;
To improve internal database access and data-sharing;
To improve electronic communication and research.
Goal 3:
Optimize and stabilize workstations and servers--File, Web, E-Mail, Printer, and Enterprise Resource Planning System Servers.
To improve system performance and reliability;
To maintain and protect system integrity.
Goal 4:
Implementation of a fully functional help desk system and SOP-Standard Operating Procedures.
To have in place procedures for troubleshooting;
To provide guidelines for system procurement, upgrades and repair;
To provide effective and efficient end-user support and problem resolution;
To streamline system administration and support;
To improve response time and accountability for technical support services.
Goal 5:
Up-to-date, complete inventory and assessment of IT-Information Technology assets.
To maintain a record or to have documentation on IT assets;
To improve the accountability, management and maintenance of systems;
To maintain critical information necessary for system planning and audits.
Goal 6:
Implementation of a Disaster Recovery Plan and Site & Virus Protection and Elimination.
To provide continuity of information system services despite catastrophes;
To prevent system infection and eliminate viruses from our computers;
To have in place the most basic requirement for disaster recovery—backups;
To maintain backups in another location in case of fire or other on-site disasters;
To have an ideal system site to continue operations in case of on-site disasters.
Goal 7:
Fully Compliant Systems in regards to Software Licenses, Security, Systems Compatibility, Complete System Change Orders, and Activities Documentation.
To assure the legitimacy and integrity of software installations;
To assure reasonable protection of systems from security breaches;
To provide continuity of system usage by maintaining systems compatibility to an existing network, applications, and operating systems;
To record system administration activities and/or changes for future references.
Services Provided
Contact Us.
Bautista, Kenneth C.
Systems Programmer
7345238 ext. 3002
Marquez, Andrew C.
Computer Systems Analyst II
7345238 ext. 5510
Camacho, Christopher J.
Teleprocessing Network Coordinator
7345238 ext. 5619
Dacanay, Gerard L.
Computer Systems Analyst II
7345238 ext. 3001
Reyes, Richard J.
Computer Systems Analyst II
7345238 ext. 3004
De Roca, Victor F.
Computer Technician Supervisor
7345238 ext. 8883
Santos, James J.
Computer Technician II
7345238 ext. 8883
Baguinon, Allan
Computer Technician I
7345238 ext.8884
Valencia, Ryan
Teleprocessing Network Coordinator
7345238 ext. 3004