Prior Learning Assessment
Prior Learning Assessment

Not all learning is done in the classroom.
Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) is a term used to describe learning gained outside of a traditional academic environment.
It is learning and knowledge that people acquire while living their lives: working, serving in the military, studying independently, volunteering or doing community service, participating in employer training programs and studying open source courseware. In short, PLA is the evaluation and assessment of an individual's life learning for college credit, certification, or advanced standing toward further education or training. GCC grants credit for learning which has taken place outside of educational institutions to enable students to complete degree and certificate programs more rapidly and without repetition when they have already acquired knowledge or skills relevant to their programs of study.
Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL)
- PLA Frequently Asked Questions
- PLA Guidelines/Eligibility
- PLA Application for Credit by Examination
- PLA Application for Recognition of Prior Learning
- GCC Board of Trustees PLA Policy
GCC's Prior Learning Assessment evaluation processes include:
- Departmental Challenge Exams
- Transfer of credit from other institutions
- Credit articulated through PLA
Prior Learning Assessment FEES
Fee | Amount | Comments |
Assessment Request | $25.00 | per request |
CPL Credit Award | 20% | of prevailing resident tuition rate |
Challenge Exams | $75.00 | per exam, for paper or computer-based exam |
Practical Exam | $100.00 | per practical exam |
In addition to PLA at GCC, a variety of practices exist for awarding credit for learning which has taken place outside of higher educational institutions. These include, but are not limited to:
- The American Council on Education: Military and Corporate
- National College Credit Recommendation Service
- Standardized Examinations such as AP, CLEP, DSST, and Excelsior College Exams
For more information on Prior Learning Assessment at Guam Community College,
please contact the Office of the Registrar:
Phone: 735-5561