Continuing Education and Workforce Development

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 (671)735‐5640 Ext. 5646 / 5579 / 5413 / 5412 / 5410 / 5411 / 5572 / 5571

 Administration Building Rooms 2122–28
      (Campus Map)


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Continuing Education and Workforce Development

CEWD Mission
The mission of Continuing Education & Workforce Development (CEWD) is to be responsive to the needs and interests of the community by providing courses, programs, and training that enhance the College’s occupational, technological, and academic offerings.


CEWD Program Description
The College offers courses outside its regular schedule of courses for students interested in personal enrichment, skill training, computer software applications, or to meet other academic needs. The College also hosts various conferences and workshops to enable participants to upgrade their skills and knowledge in a variety of areas.

Continuing Education & Workforce Development courses are primarily skill-oriented and are designed to meet the specific training needs of those seeking to upgrade skills in their workplaces, as well as those seeking to develop work skills for entry or re-entry into the workforce. The courses vary in length, depending on the breadth and depth of the skill to be taught.



CEWD Services

CEWD Catalogs

Facilities/Room Rental

Apprenticeship Program 

National Industry Certifications & Test Center

WorkKeys® National Career Readiness Certification Program
Professional Development Courses (Coming Soon)
Bootcamp Programs



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