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April is Community College Month!

Join us for Community College Month #CCMonth and celebrate Guam Community College and its programs, students, alumni, faculty, staff and local businesses who employ our graduates and workforce completers!

Let's increase awareness of the critical role community colleges have in making a difference in the communities we serve. Community Colleges are uniquely designed to guarantee access to affordable, high-quality higher education and for ALL! 

We are proud of our commitment to academic success, workforce development and community engagement so that our island community as a whole continues to thrive and make progress in various aspects of life.

Learn more about #CCMonth
Visit acct.org/ccmonth


#CCMonth Campaign Media Toolkit

For the month April, we encourage our GCC campus community to utilize the following resources for print and electronic media. We believe that accomplishing this will advance appreciation for and reduce stigmas related to community colleges, and ultimately welcome more students through our doors.


GCC With CCMonth Color Logo
GCC With CCMonth Black Logo
GCC With CCMonth White Logo

CCMonth Logo Color
CCMonth Logo Black
CCMonth Logo White

#CCMonth #GuamCC