Math & Science
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Main Page for Math & Science
Contact Us
(671)735‐0113 Ext. 5614,
Allied Health Building Room 3127
(Campus Map)
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Make A Smooth Transition to GCC
The GCC Math and Science Department aims to advance student knowledge, understanding and use of math and science by offering courses that enhance skills in developmental, associate degree, diploma and certificate requirements, college transfer prerequisites and a variety of individual academic and personal goals. We strive to provide a high-quality basic program in science and mathematics for students in academics and vocational-technical training as well as in the community. We encourage our students to continue educational endeavors beyond GCC and believe that our courses provide the foundation needed for higher learning.
The GCC Advantage
Our department acquires the latest technology and contains laboratories with dynamic instruction to help you navigate the world of math and science. Whether you are looking to pursue a degree in one of our areas, meet certificate or degree requirements of other programs, or just brush up on your knowledge, GCC’s math and science instructors will offer you quality learning experiences designed to meet your needs.
Academic Advising
The Math and Science Department is always ready to assist you. All of our faculty are willing to sit down with you and discuss your academic plan and career path. Please give us a call or send us an email. We are here to help you have a great experience at GCC.
How can math and science courses help you in your career?
Mathematics and Science courses provide a foundation for those pursuing degrees in the areas of mathematics, statistics or science. These fields provide individuals with the opportunity to make a lasting contribution to society by helping to solve problems in diverse professions such as medicine, management, economics, government, education, physics, psychology, engineering, social science, etc.
All courses offered in our department have clear and sound student learning outcomes (SLOs). Every one of our faculty strives to assist you to achieve the SLOs of the courses that you choose. Please refer to the course catalog for the SLOs in each course.