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Please be careful as there are fake websites claiming to be GCC. Please be sure to always check your web addresses and only access your GCC accounts from https://www.guamcc.edu.
Keep your information safe and do not click any suspicious links or buttons. GCC will never ask for your password so do not share your passwords with anyone claiming to be from GCC.
If you are ever unsure about a link or email, please feel free to forward any suspicious emails or links to MIS at gcc.mis@guamcc.edu.
Below is a sample of a fake website pretending to be GCC. If you see this website or something similar, please report to MIS and leave the page immediately.

Please be careful as there are fake websites claiming to be GCC. Please be sure to always check your web addresses and only access your GCC accounts from https://www.guamcc.edu.
Keep your information safe and do not click any suspicious links or buttons. GCC will never ask for your password so do not share your passwords with anyone claiming to be from GCC.
If you are ever unsure about a link or email, please feel free to forward any suspicious emails or links to MIS at gcc.mis@guamcc.edu.
Below is a sample of a fake website pretending to be GCC. If you see this website or something similar, please report to MIS and leave the page immediately.