Library | Learning Resource Center (LRC)

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 (671)735-0228, Ext. 0220, 0229, or 0230


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Library | Learning Resource Center (LRC)


LRC Spring 2025 Hours:

Monday - Thursday:  8:00 am to 8:00 pm
Friday:  8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Saturday:  9:00 am to 12:00 pm

The Guam Community College Learning Resource Center (Library) opened its new doors in December 2010 to provide learning resources and services to assist students in attaining their academic, career and personal goals. The GCC Library collection consists of approximately 22,000 print books, 150,000 e-Books, 50 print periodical subscriptions, more than 5,000 EBSCO full-text e-Periodicals, and over 1,000 videos and other multi-media items.

The Library offers an array of services including reference, individual and group instruction, Internet access, book loans, video check-outs, photocopying, magazines and newspapers, video viewing, meeting areas, group study facilities, and interlibrary loans.

In addition to sustaining our students’ research and reference needs, the Learning Resource Center is also the first government of Guam building to be certified as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Gold by the U.S. Green Building Council. The 22,000-square-foot structure features photovoltaic solar panels, digital temperature controls, energy-efficient windows and lighting, and furniture made of recyclable materials.


Mission Statement:
The mission of the Learning Resource Center is to provide learning resources and services to support and enrich the educational mission of Guam Community College.


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Christine Matson, Reference & Instructional Librarian
Juanita Sgambelluri, Library Technician Supervisor
Steve Cheipot, Library Technician II
Reimar Esteban, Library Technician I



For more information:

Circulation Desk:
(671) 735-0228 (front desk) Extension 0220

Technical Services
(671) 735-0228 Extension 0229, 0230


Reference Desk:
(671) 735-0228 Extension 0231