Rules and Regulations
revised: 5.26.2022
Creative Brief
The Guam Community College mascot will unify and embody our school spirit and serve as a public symbol of GCC’s continuing effort to equip its students with life skills to help them achieve their educational and career goals. The chosen mascot will be aligned with GCC’s current brand, helping define and identify our institution for both internal and external communities. The selected mascot will be displayed in GCC’s publications, advertisements, websites, social media, clothing, promotional products, facilities, etc.
The GCC Mascot Design Committee has defined the college’s brand personality as prestigious, original, classic, striving for excellence, honoring our heritage, strength, power, and friendly but fierce. The winning mascot design must reflect this personality and incorporate the College’s school colors of Aqua Blue and White.
The mascot will boost the morale and spirit of students and the public during College events, including future athletic contests.
Submission Guidelines
- Current students, faculty, staff members, and alumni are eligible to compete in the mascot design contest. Alumni, for the purposes of this contest, are defined as individuals who attended GCC for a minimum of 1 year in a certificate or degree program.
- This contest is open to legal residents of Guam and must be at least 16 years of age to enter. Minors are required to have parent/legal guardian consent to participate. Minors, for the purposes of this contest, are defined as persons under 18 years of age [GCA 19, Ch1, §1101]. All participating Minors must submit a signed parental consent form. Submission of parental consent form should be submitted along with mascot design on www.guamcc.edu/gccmascot
- Participants may submit multiple designs, but each must be entered individually.
- All design entries must be submitted electronically by completing the Mascot Design Competition form found at www.guamcc.edu/gccmascot. There will be a field on the form that will allow you to upload your design. (Mascot Designs specs in Item #7 below). Once the submission is complete, you will receive a confirmation e-mail. For questions please call 671-735-5405.
- All entries must be received by 11:59 p.m., Friday, June 24, 2022.
- All submissions should complete all fields of the online form below:
- Name
- E-mail address
- Best contact number
- Relationship to GCC, if any (student, faculty, staff, alumna(e))
- A 250-word description of their design, which will include an explanation of what inspired the design.
- All mascot designs must adhere to the following requirements:
- Place on white background
- Fit on one 8.5"x11" page
- Create as line art or other digital media format
- Submit in high-resolution, 300 dpi jpg format
- File must not be larger than 7 megabytes
- Develop and submit a graphic representation of a family-friendly character utilizing GCC school colors aqua blue and white and brand personality (listed above).
- The design may also include a mascot name, which, if included, should be explained as part of the 250-word description.
- By submitting artwork to this design contest, the participant hereby declares that the artwork is original to the participant, that participant holds exclusive and perpetual rights to all intellectual property in the work and that participant has the right to grant and does so grant, all intellectual property rights to Guam Community College. Further, you represent and warrant that the design that you submit is an original work that is, to your knowledge, not confusingly similar or substantially similar to any existing design. NOTE: Upon release of artwork by the participant, GCC will have full rights and ownership of the received artwork. **Submission if selected can/will be altered by GCC without any notice to the artist**
The mascot design challenge begins Wednesday, April 27, 2022, with submissions being accepted until 11:59 p.m. Friday, June 24, 2022 (ChST). All design entries submitted after 11:59 p.m. Friday, June 24, 2022, will not be considered. All design entries that do not follow the mascot design guidelines will be disqualified. Artists may not post their designs on public websites, or social media, or use them in their portfolios until an official winner is selected and announced. Upon the winner being announced, all artists should label their artwork as a contest entry or sample.
The winning design shall become the exclusive and perpetual property of Guam Community College; by submitting the design entry, the artist agrees to assign all rights to Guam Community College in the event that the artist's submission is determined to be the winner.
Furthermore, the Guam Community College reserves the right to alter and create derivative works from the design entry.
All submissions will undergo a blind review—without name or position—by the Mascot Design Committee in round one.
First Round: A panel of Judges representing the office of the GCC President, Vice President of Academic Affairs, Associate Dean of Technology and Student Support, Office of Communications and Promotions, Distinguished Alumni (DAR), Council of Postsecondary Student Affairs (COPSA), Board of Trustees (BOT) Representative or Foundation Board Representative, will be asked to provide feedback to Mascot Design Committee to aid in the selection of the top three (3) finalist entries to move on to the final round.
Top finalists that best embody the spirit of Guam Community College will move on to round two, the Final Selection Round.
The Final Selection Round: GCC’s Office of Communications and Promotions along with the GCC Executive Committee will assess the three finalists and determine the winner based on the creative brief requirements above. The winning design becomes the property of Guam Community College, as stated above.
GCC reserves the right to create its own mascot design if it is determined that the entries do not adequately represent the brand personality of the College as defined above.
Winning Design
The winner will be announced on Friday, July 29, 2022.
The artist with the winning design will be initially credited for their work on the College website, as well as various communications channels (social media, press releases, school's website, etc.) used by Guam Community College. Not all uses of the mascot design by the College will carry attribution.
Upon notification of the winning design, the selected artist may be required to work collaboratively with the Office of Communications and Promotions to render the design and prepare it for use in publications, websites, social media, and other communications channels. The winning design, as it may be altered, also becomes the exclusive and perpetual property of Guam Community College.
The winning design will be proudly displayed throughout Guam Community College, including but not limited to the website, social media, printed materials, apparel, and a mascot costume. It will encourage the entire College community to share their school spirit! The winner will receive spirit wear (apparel) that incorporates the design. In addition, a monetary award of $500.00 will be provided to the winner, along with an official print of the final mascot design.