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Pre-enrollment Counseling

  • We provide information regarding admission procedures, placement test requirements, instructional programs, and other services.

Academic Advisement

  • Assist students with program planning, course selection, and scheduling
  • Help students plan strategies or approaches to successful academic and goal achievement
  • Encourage students to maintain satisfactory academic progress

Career Counseling

  • Work with students in facilitating the career exploration process
  • Work with the administration of standardized inventories, computerized surveys, and tests, assist in exploring values, interests, and abilities for application to the world of work

Personal Counseling

  • Provide limited personal counseling
  • Adhere to ethical standards by keeping counseling sessions confidential
  • Provide referrals for resources in the community
    Free Individual Counseling Services for GCC Students and Employees provided by WestCare. Call (671) 989-1962 or Email

Student Advocacy

  • Protect students' basic human rights
  • Assist in mediation of disputes and grievances
  • Act as the advocate of the student


  • Interpret standardized tests
  • Administer the English and Math Placement Test
  • Conduct interest inventories, personality surveys, aptitude tests, and value appraisals
  • Coordinate site testing for the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)

Workshops and Classroom Presentations

  • GCC Counselors provide the following workshops/presentations:
  • Stress Management
  • Career Development
  • Anger Management
  • Goal Setting
  • Study Skills
  • Personality Types
  • Time Management
  • Team Building

Training and Technical Support

To help improve career decision-making, GCC counselors use the following programs with students, parents, teacher, and caseworkers:

Real Games Series

The classroom lessons/units provide simulations of real life situations for secondary and post-secondary students. The lessons develop an understanding of career and educational planning and their relationship to the world of work.

Global Career Development Facilitator - Certified Counselors provide training for professionals who assist students/Clients with career and educational planning. The training meets requirements for certification as Career Development Facilitator.

Improved Career Decision Making - The department provides curriculum-based instruction to help counselors/teachers use occupational and labor market information effectively with their clients/students.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Counselors provide training on the interpretation of the psychological personality inventory. Trainees can appreciate type dynamics and its relation to relationships and the classroom and/or workplace environment.