Individuals requiring special accommodations, please contact the Office of Accommodative Services at (671) 735-5641 ext. 5597/5594, by email at [1], or visit them at the Student Services & Administration Building (Bldg. 2000), Room 2138/9
Contact Information
John F. Payne
Program Specialist
(671)735-5641 [2] Ext. 5597
Kimberly Bautista
Support Staff
(671)735-5641 [2] Ext. 5594
Hours: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Student Services & Administration Building (Bldg. 2000), Room 2138/9
E-mail: [1]
About OAS
The Office of Accommodative Services provides assistance to individuals with disabilities seeking educational opportunities at Guam Community College. Our office is committed to ensuring that students with disabilities are afforded an equal opportunity to access the educational programs and services that GCC has to offer, and to providing reasonable accommodations, adequate to the needs of an individual’s disability within a classroom setting while maintaining the level of academic standards required in all courses and programs at Guam Community College. For a better understanding of the accommodative services available at GCC, please spend a few minutes reading the information below.
Through its actions, the Office of Accommodative Services seeks to create a climate at Guam Community College where all students, regardless of accommodative needs, become increasingly active participants in their educational experience.
Services Provided
Reasonable accommodations for the classroom and the campus, based on your disability.
Auxiliary aids for students who need a sign language interpreter, note-taker, e-books, etc.
Assistance with the registration process and other needs concerning enrollment and student issues.
Accommodative Services Student Handbook
OAS Handbook [3]
What is the purpose of the Office of Accommodative Services?
The purpose of the Office of Accommodative Services (OAS) is to provide reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities who request services from our office. OAS coordinates, plans, and implements accommodations for the classroom and the campus.
Who can benefit from the Office of Accommodative Services?
Students with disabilities, as defined under the ADA (American Disabilities Act), who are enrolled or will be enrolling in GCC classes, may benefit from the services provided by the Office of Accommodative Services.
How can I establish my eligibility for services with the Office of Accommodative Services?
You must complete a "Request for Accommodations" form, and submit your completed form along with supporting documentation regarding your disability to OAS to be eligible for services. Continuing students are required to complete an "Update Request for Services" form each semester of enrollment in order to continue receiving accommodative services.
What types of accommodations, auxiliary aids, and support services are available?
Auxiliary aids such as sign language interpreters, note-takers, e-books, etc. may be provided to students who are in need of such accommodations. The staff of the Office of Accommodative Services can also provide assistance with registration and other needs relative to enrollment information and student issues.
How are accommodations determined?
Recommended accommodations are determined based on your disability and on the substantial limitation associated with your disability.
Who is responsible for arranging accommodations and auxiliary aids?
The Office of Accommodative Services is responsible for arranging accommodations and auxiliary aids to students with disabilities who may need this service.
What is the instructor's role in providing accommodations?
An instructor's role is to provide the recommended accommodations, listed on a student's Approved Academic Accommodations Form (AAAF). An instructor will only provide reasonable accommodations to students who present an accommodations form from the Office of Accommodative Services.
How can I contact the Office of Accommodative Services?
You can contact the Office of Accommodative Services at (671)735-5641 [2] Ext. 5594/7 or email [1]
How can I get more information on the policies and procedures for the Office of Accommodative Services?
For more information, please refer to the OAS Student Handbook.