Health Services Center
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About the GCC Health Services Center
Health Services Center Mission
The Health Services Center supports the College's mission statement through the provision of optimal health services to its clientele as they seek training and education to meet their career-oriented and employment-related goals.
About the Health Services Center
The Health Services Center is staffed by a full-time Licensed Practical Nurse and Administrative Aide. Dr. Luis G. Cruz is the GCC Medical Director. Students and employees of the College may utilize the Health Center's services.
Located at the GCC Student Center (Building 5000), 1st Floor (Right Wing), Rm 5116
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Health Requirements for Enrollment
Negative TB skin test result within one (1) year prior to registration.
For any individual entering Guam from an area other than the United States or its territories, Public Law 22-130 requires that a tuberculosis test must be conducted within six (6) months prior to enrollment.
If a Positive Reactor to TB, the following health documents and clearances are required:
Normal Chest X-Ray within five (5) years attached with,
Tuberculosis (TB) Evaluation Form completed and signed by your health care provider and,
Certificate of Tuberculosis Evaluation from the Department of Public Health & Social Services (DPHSS) TB Control Program in Dededo – Must present the first two documents to the TB Control Office to obtain this.
Please see TB Clearance Requirement for Positive Reactor Guide for visual reference.
MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) – Two (2) doses are required (MMR#1 and MMR#2) or an MMR Titer to prove immunity.
Those born before 1957 are exempted.
Tdap / Td (Tetanus) – must be current within ten (10) years; and
Emergency and Health Information – This form can be found here and below under Student Forms.
*Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) or Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV) for students below 18 years of age.
Students whose choice of study will place them at risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens are advised to follow further instructions by their respective program advisor regarding other health requirements such as the Hepatitis B vaccine and physical examination.
For further guidance please email or call the GCC Health Services Center at | (671) 735-5586
Health Center Schedule
Office Hours
Monday – Friday
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
(Closed on Weekends & GovGuam Holidays)
TB Testing
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
As scheduled
TB Reading
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
As scheduled
To schedule an appointment, please call (671) 735-5586 or email
Health Center Services
- Basic first aid for injuries and medical conditions that occur during school time
- Assessment and nursing management of chronic health problems based on the client’s physician-prescribed therapeutic regimen*
- Annual screening of employees for tuberculosis (TB) as required by law
- Screening of students for TB in compliance with public law and school policy
- Administration of TB skin test
- Immunization program*
- Immunization audit in compliance with public law and school policy
- Brief Tobacco Intervention (BTI) program*
- Screening of height & weight, blood pressure, vision, and pediculosis*
- Pregnancy testing and prenatal follow-up*
- Advocacy for persons with disabilities
- Referral services on health management
- Counseling on health and health-related issues.
- Health Promotion/Education through Class Presentations
- STD & HIV Testing & Treatment in Partnership with DPHSS*
- Emergency & Health Information (Adult)
- Emergency & Health Information (Minor)
- DPHSS Tuberculosis Evaluation Form
Employee Forms